The Reception children have done their spring drawings in Tux Paint this week. They also reviewed how to use the 'shift' key to make a capital letter. Here are some of their work: 
In the past two weeks in ICT, the Reception children have learned two function keys on the keyboard - delete/backspace and shift. They have known that DELETE/BACKSPACE key can help them to erase a mistake and they have used 'SHIFT' key to make capital letter in their names. It seems a little bit tricky for some kids but we will carry on practicing it in the ICT lessons.
All the DUCKS are reading Olympics to celebrate book week now. The Reception children have enjoyed the story 'Blue Cow Goes to the Olympic Games' on the CBeebies website. We also learned to paint the Olympics rings in Tux Paint. 
The Receptions starts to use keyboard these two weeks. We have been dragging and dropping the missing alphabet letters onto a keyboard picture, which helps us getting familiar with the computer keyboard.

We have been talking about symmetry at the moment. The children have made their symmetrical drawings by using '2simple Infant Video Toolkit'. It can make things easier for us. Just draw half a picture... and the computer automatically copies the other half. Look at our amazing paintings....
The Reception children are working very hard on the computer this week. They are using Tux Paint to draw a picture for Christmas. Christmas trees, Christmas hats, presents etc. Here are some of the works they have painted: 
We are having great fun with the game - Simple City again but in different places this week. The children has designed their own car in garage, planted flowers or vegetables in a garden and create a zoo by moving different animals. 
This week Reception children are having lots of fun in exploring the program - Simple City. They dragged and dropped different park equipments to make their own park; built their own house with bricks and designed a farm place in the lesson.

The Reception children are producing Jack o'lantern pictures by using Tux Paint in ICT this week. They dragged and dropped to paint many fancy faces on the lantern, like scary face, happy face and sad face etc.
The Reception children explored ‘Charlie Chimp’s big modelling party’ this week. Kids learned to play 'Magical Fireworks' and 'the Party Game'. In Magical Fireworks, children composed the music to go with a firework display by dragging and dropping the different pieces. In the Party Game, they fired the ball from the see-saw and over the tower to land on Seal's nose, experimenting to work out which elephant to use.


    Ms Yvonne Huang - I am from Shanghai, China. Teaching ICT in DUCKS in my fifth year now, and enjoying doing it.


    June 2012
    May 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012
    November 2011
    October 2011


    Paint Tool
    Word Bank
    Year One
    Year Two